5 Reasons why to choose an independent kitchen designer.

This is a conversation I’ve had with many friends, clients and potential clients;

”Why should we go with a company such as Inka Interiors instead of a larger kitchen company?”

So today I’m here to tell you the benefits of using your smaller, independent kitchen designers.

1. Flexibility of choice in cabinetmaker.

As an independent designer, I work with a number of different cabinet makers and builders.  The design I create for you is yours. You get the full set of documentation to keep.  You can then use these modern kitchen design ideas to obtain multiple quotes to ensure that you are getting a good price. I can refer you to trusted builders for quotes and to meet the people that will be working on your installation, prior to signing anything or handing over any of your hard earned money.

2. No hard sales tactics.

I’ve heard some pretty nasty sales tactics that the larger companies have used to try and get you to sign on the spot.  Appointments around dinner time, so your focus is elsewhere, not leaving your home until you sign the paperwork, offering you discounts only if you sign today, not giving you time to think about the major decision.   Who wants that? Certainly not me!  The people who come to your home with these larger companies to “design” your kitchen aren’t designers, they’re salespeople who get paid on commission.  Companies like Inka Interiors, we’re designers and designers only.  I’m not a pushy salesperson, I just want to help solve your design issues and get you the kitchen of your dreams.

3. No supplier bias

Larger companies have agreements with suppliers and will force you into selections that are not necessarily what you want.  They buy in bulk and try to force that choice on, so you never get the look you actually want. Or they will get bonuses if they sell a target of a certain product, so will try to drive you into purchasing that specific product, even if it’s not what you want.  We, however, will design whatever you want that is in your budget, ensuring you get exactly what you want.  We make recommendations and suggestions, but will never push a product or design onto you.

4. Full customised design

Our designs are fully customised, down to 1mm measurements.  We can design for odd-shaped rooms, strange corners, and small gaps.  We don’t use standard-size cabinets so fill the gaps with filler panels.  Do you want a drawer to fit that specific appliance? Or maybe that weird corner cupboard, you want better access to?  We’ll sort it out for you.

5. Design Fees.

I charge a fee for my design work like a mechanic does to service your car or a dentist does to check your teeth.  While the larger kitchen companies may advertise designs for “free”, the costs are absorbed into their overall price of the joinery so you do end up paying for the design in the end.  Unfortunately, there isn’t much in this world that is actually free.  In most cases, you don’t own the design with these larger companies and won’t get a full set of design documentation that is yours to keep or use to obtain further quotes. 

I hope I’ve been able to provide you with some helpful information on why you should look at a small, independent interior design company to assist you with your new kitchen design.  Think of it as going to your local farmers market for your veggies, rather than the big corporate supermarket. The quality of the product and the level of service you receive is much higher than your smaller company.


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